Active ID

Active ID mobile app for iOS and Android

The story

Platform: iOS & Android

In today's fast-paced world, seamless and secure identification solutions are crucial for businesses, institutions, and organizations. With this in mind, I embarked on the journey of developing the CardsOnline Active ID app using Xamarin. This app offers a convenient and user-friendly way for employees, students, visitors, members, or volunteers to receive, store, and manage their Active IDs for mobile identification, access, and Data Check purposes.

The foundation of the Active ID app lies in its integration with CardsOnline, ensuring that it remains up-to-date and securely connected. Changes to user data can be instantly applied and pushed to the cardholder's app, maintaining accuracy and relevance.

One of the standout features of the Active ID app is its complete localization. The app effortlessly adapts to the language of the user's device, enhancing accessibility and user experience.

Maintaining brand identity is essential for any organization. With the Active ID app, businesses can proudly display their brand by customizing the app and associated emails with their logos and brand colors. This personal touch fosters brand recognition and loyalty among cardholders.

The journey of crafting the Active ID app involved utilizing the powerful CardsOnline Card Designer. This tool allowed me to create digital card designs tailored for mobile use, transforming them into Active IDs. Through the Data Manager, Active IDs are smoothly pushed to the app of the respective cardholders, who receive a notification email.

The Active ID app is not just a digital identification solution; it's a symbol of efficiency, security, and user-centric design. It empowers users to carry their identification with them at all times, streamlining access and enhancing convenience. As I look back on the development process, I take pride in creating an app that marries technological innovation with practicality, ushering in a new era of mobile identification.

With the Active ID app, organizations can embrace the future of identification and data management, making their operations more agile, secure, and customer-focused. As technology continues to evolve, so will the Active ID app, adapting to meet the ever-changing needs of its users.

Together with the CardsOnline team, I'm excited to witness how the Active ID app transforms the landscape of identification and access control. The future is bright, and the Active ID app is leading the way.